Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What I Got for Christmas

Instead of enlightening you on the wonderful family dinners, cheer, and holiday spirit that transpired this winter vacation, I am going to skip right on over to the stuff you really care about. You know, where I tell you what I got for Christmas.

(Okay, maybe you don't care about it. Perhaps I'm just a bit narcissistic today.)
  • Microsoft Word!!!! -
My Nerd is showing. I almost had an epileptic fit when I unwrapped it. It's something I've been wanting for ages, as all I had for my computer is notepad (and - not to diss it - but it sucks).
  • Water for Elephants -
I raved about this book to my mom during November; it was something resembling an incentive for my NaNoWriMo throughout the rough patches of the month. If this great book could come out of NaNo, I thought, maybe I'll get lucky, too. Evidently, this was not the case. I reached 10,000 words and quit.

Fantastic book, by the way!
  • Sing-a-ma-jig
A few months ago, my sister and I became slightly obsessed with these toys called Sing-a-ma-jigs. Why did two teenaged girls want a toy made for three year olds? This vlogbrother video will explain it all:

Thanks, sis! I can finally say, with a sing-a-ma-jig clutched loftily in my hands , "I'm a singamajig player. And proud."

And with an irrelevant side note: I got the pink one.

  • Scarves
  • A winter jacket
  • and headphones
What a  wonderful Christmas! (Although a bit of snow would have been nice, she commented sadly)

Best wishes!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift

In other words, I haven't posted in a while, so please enjoy this amazing Hunger Games song by Taylor Swift as lieu of an actual post!

I am insanely excited for this movie. However, not as excited as I am for the... *drum roll* CHAOS WALKING MOVIE. I found out this week, and I've been freaking out ever since.

So, questions for my (two) viewers:

1. Have you read the Hunger Games?

2. If so, what scene are you most looking forward to?

3. If not, WHAT THE  HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU? Pick up a copy NOW.

4. Also, have you read the Chaos Walking series? :D

Saturday, December 17, 2011

I am horrendously American.

Earlier today, I was browsing the Next Gen Fanatics Harry Potter forum and came across "The Accent Challenge." The Accent Challenge (although its title is basically self-explanatory) is a challenge where you say a list of words relating to the world of Harry Potter and answer some questions regarding next-gen characters/NGF forum. My inner stalker could not resist this scintillating opportunity to hear well-known fanficers vocalize words, and I proceeded to spend the next thirty minutes listening to various entries. And with each entry I heard, I was hit with a startling realization.

I am horribly American.

I do not have a posh English accent, nor a cute Scottish "um." My accent, if I even have one, is boring, extraordinary, and not unlike a four year old's.

 It's depressing.

I became more depressed when I realized I'd been mispronouncing some Next Gen characters' names for four years. My small and self-centered American mind can not wrap around French pronunciations.

For example,

Victoire. Daughter of Fleur and Bill Weasley

Pronounced: Vic TWAH...r. I can't do a French accent for the life of me.

My pronunciation: Vic-TOR-ie

*face palm*

Also, Louis. LOO-IE. Not Lew-is.
*face palm-head desk combo*

I need a few seconds to process this.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Seriously, I was busy.

It's been a week since my last post, and I have a legitimate reason: I was busy.

And I don't mean busy as in "I was glued to Facebook" busy or "I was wasting away on Tumblr" busy. I mean I was genuinely, legitimately busy.

As this was the last week before Christmas vacation, my teachers found it perfectly reasonable to cram in four three days. (I have no idea how these things work out. It's like they hold a special conference and discuss the most effective ways to make Tianna's life as miserable as possible).

 What with four tests comes the studying, stressing out, and being reduced to near-tears. There was simply no time to blog when there was crying to be done.

Thankfully, it's Friday, and I can finally relax - well, sort of. Turns out, I left all the presents I received from my friends in my school locker. I can't retrieve them for two weeks. No amount of Klaine Rated T Fanfiction can cheer me up.

On the bright side, Christmas is coming up!

Hope everyone enjoys their two weeks off. I know I will.

~ Tianna

Monday, December 12, 2011

In which I argue with a (presumably) 40-year old man on the logicality of Fanfiction.

In the five years of writing fanfiction, I have never - not once!- received a negative review. This is not so much due to my outstanding and impeccable writing skills (hah!) as it is to a large and supportive crowd of humor-loving young adults.

But when my stories happen to stray upon the eyes of intellectual, marvelous forty-year old beings, such as Quheleth (a name of which I am certainly spelling wrong), a very different thing occurs.

Six months ago, I posted the notorious "Kentucky Fried Hippogriff," a small and poorly written fanfiction that attracted so much flamers, "My Immortal"* would have been proud.

My faint-heart could not take the flame, and I deleted it off the site before a full day had passed.

I recently got a request to publish it again - and because I've accepted the fact that hatuhs gonna hate (as I'm one myself) - I agreed.

I posted it on Sunday, and received my first review in nearly a minute. I braced myself - and it was a good thing I did.

I'm going to post dear Quheleth's comment assuming, as he had no problem publicizing his views to a fifteen year old girl, that he will have no problem having his views publicized on said fifteen year old girl's blog. (Qoheleth, if you so dearly disagree, just say the word and I'll remove this).

Dear Acciopencil:

The essential problem here is that the idea of a hippogriff fast-food chain simply isn't that funny. It's absurd, yes - no self-respecting wizard would eat a hippogriff, anymore than Muggles willingly eat horse meat - but it's not *cleverly* absurd, if you see what I mean. And it doesn't help that you made it a blatant rip-off of Kentucky Fried Chicken (for no logical reason, since most of the characters probably couldn't even find Kentucky on a map), and then didn't provide us with a scene where a Yum!-Brands executive with a magical child finds out about the trademark infringement and sues the company's robes off.

Of course, none of this would matter if it was really, genuinely silly. Then all the little inconsistencies would just be part of the fun. But the thing about that level of silliness is that it takes real nerve to pull it off; you have to be willing to say "To Tartarus with reason and common sense” and never look back. And I don’t think you’ve done that here. So my recommendation would be: Take it down again, rent and watch a few Marx Brothers movies, then rewrite it and hope the third time’s the charm.

Yours sincerely,


My response:

Dear Qoheleth:

Based on your overly-pretentious username, manner, profile, and complimentary closing, I am quite alright with not impressing you. Instead, I marvel at why any talented being, such as yourself, would deign to review my - let me emphasize - fanfiction.

I am honored that you chose to pick apart the workings of a fifteen year old fan girl rather than work on your own fanfiction.

(But let's face it. If you're a forty-year old man who has nothing better to do than write /fanfiction/...


*Pretentious complimentary closing*
~ Acciopencil
His response:

Dear Acciopencil:

I see. You believe, then, that there is something about fanfiction that makes it pointless and absurd for any intelligent person to bother about it, whether this involves writing it himself or expecting quality from others who write it. May I ask why this is? Certainly, if you're right, I am wasting much of my life writing missionary Animorphs spinoffs and whatnot, so I would very much like to know.

Yours sincerely,
My response:

Dear Qoheleth:

First and foremost:
I appologize for my impudence displayed in the earlier message. It was written in the heat of the moment, and I regret any offense you may have taken.

But, ah, quite the contrary, Monsieur Qoheleth! Fanfiction is a magnificent form of writing. Certainly you didn't think that I - as an ardent writer of fanfiction - would believe any otherwise.

I was doubly shocked that a great intellectual such as yourself had presumed I thought writing "Animorph spinoffs and what not" a waste of life. I wish to clarify.

Writing fanfiction is a wonderful past time - for young and old, talented and tyro, hard-core and casual fan. By no means are these stories wasting away what, I'm sure, is your marvelous and glorious existence.

However, it's the action of reading these fanfictions, openly flaming, and leaving pompous messages that is, Qoheleth, "wasting your life."

Why you chose to leave the immature and childish response to my story - out of envy or otherwise - I can not justify. Nor can I justify the reasons why an adult man would castigate the works of a young adult - when his own clearly are far from perfect.

Yours sincerely,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'll be the first to admit the level of our debate has reached immature and silly levels. But that's what happens if you mess with "The Pencil." Also, I managed to cleverly exercise a couple of vocab words we learned in English - so this wasn't all for naught.

~ Tianna

* My Immortal: An infamous Harry Potter fanfiction featuring a large collection of Mary-Sues and forever ridiculed by fellow fanfiction writers. I've read it before and, believe me, I lost a few brainc cells.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thoughts on Enclave by Ann Aguirre

Being a writer sucks.

I know this, because I call myself one (who cares if I've never actually completed a full-length novel, right?)

There's the comparing yourself to other writers, tearing yourself down, staring over from scratch, writer's blocks, motivation (or lack of), plot holes, character personality orders, and - of course - no matter how good your story might be, there is always, always going to be a Debbie Downer.

I just happen to be that Debbie Downer for a lot of writers.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Friend: Have you read the The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series by Michael Scott?
Me: Oh my god - totally!
Friend: Really? Don't you just -
Me: Hate it. Yes.
Friend: How about How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff?
Me: What a terrible book. Wrote a five paragraph rant on GoodReads.
Friend: Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver?
Me: Hate.
Friend: A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libbra Bray?
Me: Hate.
Friend: Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick?
Me: Hate.
Friend: Fallen by Lauren Kate?
Me: Hate.
Friend: Twilight?
Me: Don't be ridiculous, everyone hates Twilight.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Haters, in my defense, are unavoidable in the writing business. If you can't take the hate, don't write a book. There are invariably going to be flamers on fanficton reviews, ranters at GoodReads, Debbie Downers on Blogspots....

Hatuhs gonna hate.

But what I can't understand is WHY I hate these books. Most of these books have impressive GoodReads ratings and glowing blurbs on the back of books. 4/5 people have added it onto their Favorites list. It must have been a good book for some people.

There are some authors like J.K. Rowling that were put on this Earth to write. And then, there are others.

Like Ann Aguirre.

I hate writing reviews like this. Honestly - being a hater is ALMOST as hard as being a writer, especially when you indeed have a soul.

And thus, let the Debbie Downer shine.


My rating: 2/5

The story beings with Deuce, the Bella Swan of the Zombie Apocolypse. Deuce is a Huntress, with six "totally rad" scars to prove it. There may be other really interesting and important facts, like how the Enclaves got started, what exactly happened to the Earth to force people underground, how the Freaks are created, etc., but the MC is too busy getting it on with an emo Hunter dude to really care. And Hawtt Hunters > Important Information, obviously.

The Hawt-Emo-Hunter is, of course, Fade. Fade is the outsider, the loner, the dark and mysterious boy who has no redeeming qualities except being dark and mysterious.

We are deprived on why Deuce actually falls for this guy. We assume it's because he's permanently angry and depressed, and there is no bigger turn-on than that.

A bunch of bad zombie disembowelment proceeds, and there's probably more to this story somewhere, but all we know is that Fade and Deuce have this "totally ahmazing" connection. And that's the whole story.

No, seriously. Not to mention the writing was atrocious at best.

Sorry, Ann Aguirre. Not a big fan.


Friday, December 9, 2011

A new blog.

I've started this blog in the hopes of replenishing my love for writing, blogging, and fangirling: three things you'll see a lot here (and, in the case of fangirling, more than enough - if the delicious amount of Blaine/Kurt Glee episodes continue at the rate they've been going).

I've had blogs before, back when I was a prepubescent girl complaining about unrequited love and middle school.

Now, I'm a teenage girl complaining about unrequited love and high school! So this should be fun.

I'm going to watch the Glee episode I missed on Tuesday. Thankfully, you won't have to endure the intense fangirl session this time. But expect a detailed Darren Criss's Hair/Me fanfiction the next time I log on.

Check out Lauren's blog! I hopped onto the Blogger bandwagon after I saw her blog!

~ Tianna